Russ Ewy

Dr. Russ Ewy is a Research Consultant with Chevron Energy Technology Co. He leads Chevron’s technology development and deployment efforts in laboratory rock mechanics testing, and in reservoir geomechanics. Prior to joining Chevron in 1996, Russ was with Exxon Production Research. He has over 25 years of experience testing shales and claystones in the laboratory. Russ holds BS and M Eng degrees in mineral engineering and a PhD degree in rock mechanics (with minor in Geotechnical Engineering), all from the U. of California at Berkeley. Russ has served on the Board and the Executive Committee of the American Rock Mechanics Association, and currently serves as an associate editor for the Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal. Russ is also a member of the Petroleum Geomechanics Commission of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (a sister society of ISSMGE). With other commission members he has conducted a series of workshops on petroleum geomechanics testing methods, and has contributed to the development and publication of international testing standards.