Tomasz Hueckel

Dr. Tomasz Hueckel is a professor at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.His main research interests are in Energy Geomechanics and Environmental Geomechanics, of which he has been one of the early pioneers. His most known work includes constitutive modeling and testing of thermo-plasticity and chemo-plasticity of soils and shales, non-linear and coupled effects in soil deformation (elasto-plastic coupling), criteria of instability and cyclic loading of soils, capillary effects, drying shrinkage and cracking, intergranular (non-classical) contact effects, development of specialized equipment of soil testing.Professor Hueckel obtained his PhD in Applied Mechanics in Warsaw, Poland, and a D.Sc. from the University in Grenoble, France. For four years he worked in industry, at ISMES in Bergamo, Italy. He was a visiting professor in Milano, Ecole Polytechnique, Grenoble, Liege, Barcelona, Athens, EPFL of Lausanne, Minnesota, Montpellier-2, Gdańsk, and Trento.He received the 2008 John Booker Medal from IACMAG “for pioneering work in the area of Environmental Geomechanics, in particular for his seminal papers on thermo-plasticity of geomaterials and on chemo-mechanical coupling”. He was Warren Lecturer (four times) at the University of Minnesota. He was 2011 Special Lecturer at, and received a Research Medal from, ALERT- Geomaterials.